Bird eggs are laid by the females and incubated for a time that varies according to the species; a single young hatches from each egg. Average clutch sizes range from one (as in condors) to about 17 (the grey partridge). Some birds lay eggs even when the eggs have not been fertilized; it is not uncommon for pet owners to find their lone bird nesting on a clutch of infertile eggs, which are sometimes called wind-eggs.

B-E-1; Field Sparrow

B-E-4; Bluejay

B-E-5; Magpie

B-E-6; Mourning Dove

B-E-7; Boat-tailed Grackle

B-E-8; White-faced Ibis

B-E-9; Veery

B-E-11; Brewer's Blackbird

B-E-12; Bullock's Oriole

B-E-13; Yellow-headed Blackbird

B-E-14; Loggerhead Shrike

B-E-15; Brown-headed Cowbird

B-E-16; Burrowing Owl

B-E-17; Turkey

B-E-18a-g; Rhea

B-E-19; Flamingo

B-E-27; Helmeted Curassow

B-E-28; Whooping Crane

B-E-29a-g; Duck

B-E-30; Plain Chachalaca

B-E-32a-d; Peafowl

B-E-33; Pheasant

B-E-34; Eurasian Eagle Owl

B-E-35; Common Murre

B-E-36; Unknown

B-E-37; Unknown

B-E-38; Unknown

B-E-39; Unknown

B-E-40; Unknown

B-E-41; Unknown

B-E-42; Unknown

B-E-43; Unknown

B-E-44; Little Blue Heron

B-E-45; Radjah Shelduck

B-E-46; Blue and Gold Macaw

B-E-47; Nene Goose

B-E-48a-c; Cockatiel

B-E-49; Emu