Materials for the 5th grade Amplify activity, modeling matter.  Included:

  • 4 large plastic cups
  • foam balls
  • foam peanuts
  • roll of hook-and-loop fastener
  • 1 large piece of felt
  • electric fan*
  • small rocks (or similar heavy items)*
  • scissors*
  • masking tape*

The class explores an additional model of chromatography as a way to apply and expand their understanding of the particulate nature of matter. They observe a Fan Model in which different objects (representing molecules) are carried different distances across the floor by moving air from a fan. This model helps students identify more properties of molecules that might affect, and could help explain, the separation of dyes in chromatography. The class then discusses how they have been making observations (of things at the observable scale) and how they have used that observable evidence to make inferences (of things at the nanoscale). The class engages in an activity in which they work to distinguish observations and inferences. The purpose of this lesson is to have students use a model to help them construct an understanding of how the properties of molecules may affect why the food coloring separated the way it did. Additionally, the purpose of this lesson is to help students recognize and build upon the inferential thinking they have been doing throughout the unit.