After this activity, students should be able to:

  • Make sense of how pharmaceuticals and hormones have resulted in pervasive water contamination.
  • Describe the effects humans have on the quality of water on Earth.
  • Follow the steps of the engineering design process while designing and building prototype devices to filter contaminants from a liquid solution.
  • Design a system that regulates flow rate to maximize effectiveness of treatment.
  • Filter out 75% of the chlorine from a provided chlorine solution.
  • In a summary engineering design report, describe the materials used by explaining their use and effectiveness.
  • Complete Claim-Evidence-Reasoning statements for questions posed.

Each group gets:

  • 1.5 foot PVC pipe
  • 2 250-ml beakers
  • 50-100 ml chlorinated water
  • 50-ml graduated cylinder
  • plastic spoon
  • sieve
  • lab safety gloves
  • safety goggles

Shared materials:

  • activated carbon,
  • filter media
  • fine-grained sand
  • Clorox:registered: germicidal bleach; 
  • pitcher
  • "free" and total low-level chlorine water quality test strips, 
  • sanitizer-strength chlorine test strips
  • stopwatch

View the complete lesson guide and materials here
