This outstanding and engaging Lab-Aid provides a series of "hands-on" activities allowing students to apply key earth science concepts. Students conduct a mineral exploration which simulates real-life economic, societal and issue-oriented problems. The activities are designed to introduce and use topographic maps and learn about rock types, erosion and river dynamics. The kit is based on the understanding that as water works along the earth's surface and through the ground, it picks up small amounts of the minerals found in the rocks and sediments. Certain minerals ionize, then travel along in the moving water and later react chemically with the surface of river sediments. The closer the section of river is to a mineral deposit, the greater the detectable amount will be of the river sediments.
Since it is impractical to take a class out to the field to obtain samples, simulated sample river sediments are provided in the kit. Also provided are detailed topographic maps of a river system in a mountainous region, all necessary testing solutions and apparatus.