Phospholipid & Membrane Transport Kit In Stock Now

Students uncover the structure and function of phospholipids, how cell membranes form, and how water and ions move in and out of cells via transport proteins. This is a kit you will use over and over as your curriculum progresses to deepen student understanding.

  • 50 individual phospholipid molecule models demonstrate hydrophobic and hydrophilic concepts to create monolayers, micelles, and bilayers 
  • Water molecule models show polarity and how water interacts with cell membranes 
  • Bilayer membrane model creates a cell structure that is flexible yet sturdy 
  • Active and passive transport is made easy with 5 different proteins, ion models, and ATP 

Students can model different conditions then predict which way water will move making vocabulary like hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic more memorable. This is a kit you will use over and over as your curriculum progresses to deepen student understanding.